Todd Lester
Associate | Deputy Director of Mechanical Engineering
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The only thing drier than Todd’s sense of humor is the Sahara Desert. Maybe.
He’s slow to speak, a man of sincerity, and if you stick around long enough, you’ll catch a witty one-liner. Todd is kind in every sense of the word. He’s a die-hard family man who loves nowhere more than home. But when he needs a break from wrangling the kiddos, you can spot him at the golf course or out kayak fishing. Now that we mention it…it seems everything Todd does requires a large chunk of brain power. We definitely caught ourselves a good one because his work capacity is absurd and ability to problem solve is matchless.
Todd's a european soccer fanatic, so if you want to ask him to bend it like beckham, be our guest.
“If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would you choose?”
T: “A TV, I would watch myself”